Uncover Your Biggest Dreams,
Plan A Beautiful Future, And
Start Living A Life You Love…
All With One Powerful & Fun Tool!

Join us for Manifest 2022 - A Virtual Vision Board Party!


Kiss The Ordinary Goodbye And Step Into Your Dream Life…

Hey Girl, Hey!  

We see you there, watching other people sharing success stories about earning 6 figure incomes, managing their own schedules, taking amazing vacations, working from anywhere, and living a life you can only dream about. You're sitting in your office day after day, struggling to find joy, having difficulty with work-life balance, and scarfing down lunch at your desk because there’s no time for a real break. Urgh!

We get it.

The burning desire to have more joy, balance, and control over your life, as well as build your business keeps you motivated and pushing forward, and it's still not working!  Somewhere in your heart, you know there is so much more!

  • More time with your family.
  • More money to explore a world of possibilities.
  • More opportunity to empower change.

So, what’s holding you back?

You Can’t Create a Dream You Can’t Envision…

If you’re like most women, you want to create a better life, where you can have more time with family, experience amazing vacations, live healthily, and provide for those you care for.  Maybe even start a business, grow your business, or you're looking for a promotion, or lose weight so you can play with your grandkids and maintain peace of mind along the way.  Whatever it is, you need to define and manifest your vision!  

Year after year you write down the goals that you never revisit or make resolutions that you break a month later. Better yet, you create a vision board that you've tucked away in your closet and here we are again starting another year with nothing manifested

Many self-help books have taught you to write your goals down on paper, including dates + deadlines, and revisit them often.

So why haven’t you achieved your goals? Because you haven't visualized them yet!!

Why Visualization Works…

Ask top athletes what sets them apart from other players, and they'll tell you it is their ability to visualize winning.

You must see yourself accomplishing the goal you've set if you want them to become a reality, and that’s what vision boarding is all about.

Unlike numbers on a spreadsheet or words in a journal, pictures help to paint a mental image that drives you to reach higher and work harder.

And that’s what we want to help you do....


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virtual action-oriented, fun-filled VISION BOARD DAY PARTY!!  Grab your favorite beverage (mimosa, latte, coffee, tea, wine), and let’s have fun! 

It has been a helluva couple of years and we want to bring some joy and celebration to life. Come hang out with like-minded women and build your vision board for 2022 while partying like it’s 1999. (in fact, we’ll even play Prince).

Discover your deepest dreams + desires AND prepare real, actionable steps toward meeting them.  During Manifest 2022 - you’ll discover the power of a well-planned vision board, how to create your own, and how to use it to focus efforts in all areas of life: personal, spiritual, love, parenting, and business!  As well as learn how to avoid silly vision board mistakes that can paralyze your progress!

Join us on January 15th at 10 am EST for what just might be a life-changing event. 


What to Expect...

Maybe you don’t quite see the magic of a vision board and we completely understand! If you’ve never experienced the benefits, it is tough to embrace the concept. We believe Vision Boards have Superpowers... that's why we (Larissa and Cheryl), together with 3 other women will share 5 different perspectives on how our vision boards have been used to create successful 5 & 6 figure businesses, healthy happy home lives, healing, and self-care strategies plus so much more!!  

During Manifest 2022 we’ll share…

  • How to Ignite Your Vision  using mindfulness affirmations to skillfully set your intentions and manifest your vision.  
  • The Keys to Manifesting Miracles  exploring the different signs and symbols of the miracles of everyday life.
  • Tools for Mapping Your Business Vision  simplify your 2022 business vision using Miro as your tool for success. 
  • How to Manifest Joy in Your Life with Sexual Energy  using your personal sexual power and creativity to manifest your best life.
  • How Intuitive Journaling Helps You Tap Into What You Truly Want  learn how to pay attention to your inner voice to thrive and embrace your power
  • How to Get the Most Out of Your Vision Board  this is the most important step of Manifest 2022!

Then We’ll Get Busy Creating!  

In the second half of our workshop, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a vision board and offer several options for making a vision board that is as unique as you are! 

  • This is where the fun begins...
    • We'll set our INTENTIONS with a goal-setting meditation!    
    • We'll PARTY like its 1999!
    • We'll SHARE positive stories - we want to hear from you too!
    • We'll use the COLLECTIVE ENERGY to help us manifest in the best possible way!
  • And so much more!!! 









πŸŽ‰Join Us For Manifest 2022 πŸŽ‰

Join the party and the collective energy of the live event. Here's everything you need to know.  

Who: Everybody who wants to manifest the best year ever!

What: The only Vision Board Party you need for 2022!  

Where: Online via Zoom - You will receive a link upon registration.

When:  January 15, 2022, 10AM - 4PM EST / 7AM - 1PM PST 

Why:  Because You Don't Want To Miss The Party That Is The Kickoff To Your Best Year Ever!!!

The Live Experience


  • Morning speaking sessions with 5 Manifesting Experts
  • Session recordings included
  • Afternoon vision board creation party (includes music, storytelling, laughter, and connection with like-minded women.
  • Free gifts